
Loon Golf: Master’s Betting Guide, A Tradition Unlike Any Other.

The best week in golf is finally here. There is absolutely nothing like the week of The Masters. Augusta National draws the attention of sports lovers from all over the world, to a course where life seems to all make sense. Where golf means so much more than just golf itself. The traditions and the […]


Loon Golf: LIV Bad Guys That Could Win The Masters

*DISCLAIMER* Don’t get it twisted, Loon Golf hates the LIV tour. Hates it. Here we are, the week before the 2023 Masters and to be honest its already the only thing on my mind. On Monday it will officially be the best golf week of the year (not close) and we’ll get to see Augusta […]


UH OH: Phil is Back On Twitter

For those that haven’t been closely following golf Twitter over the past few hours, you’ve missed out on Phil Mickelson walking on water. Phil has parted the red Seas of Twitter to voice his opinion on who would win in a match between the PGA Tour and LIV Golf. As a notably unselfish man, Phil […]


The PGA Tour Needs A New Villain

In light of recent antics from everyone’s favorite golfer Patrick Reed and his decision to formally attack Rory McIlroy on camera. Trigger warning. The video is a little gruesome. It is time for me to revisit a subject that is near and dear to my heart. The PGA Tour needs a new villain. LIV golf […]