
March Madness for Dummies

How to Create The Perfect Bracket

Yesterday morning I was chosen to test drive the office March Madness link. It was a true honor to go into the tournament challenge and set my picks that will likely lose to MaryAnn in accounting even though she isn’t sure what a three pointer is. While making my selections it became clear that I had to share my strategy here for all of you out there who haven’t watched more than 5 college basketball games this year but still want to create a solid bracket. Don’t let MaryAnn beat you. This is our year. We’re going into it with one mindset and one mindset only. What if none of our picks lose?

The first step to creating the true winning bracket is to go old school on them. Show everyone, including yourself, that you mean business. Print that bracket out. You can enter your picks later on the computer like everyone else but for now, you’re living in 1950, you’re going pen and paper on their asses and they’re going to remember it. Now with your bracket printed out go ahead and make your first selection, I recommend a 12 seed over a 5 seed. This is the most popular upset and will likely give others the impression that you have a great idea of what is going on. For this year I am going to suggest the winner of Indiana and Wyoming over St.Mary’s. Love that this 12 seed will already be on their second big game, little bit of jitters will be gone and if you miss this pick it doesn’t matter you already proved that you will pick upsets and that you aren’t here to mess around. 

Moving onto more picks. Move on all the 1 seeds. Don’t be that guy that thinks they’re going to beat the system and pick the 16 seed that wins their first game. Matter of fact move on all the 2 seeds too. The fact is that most of these teams will win and are likely to go farther into the tournament and these further on games are where you really rack up points. Alright a couple more things and then we’ll get you out of here and onto your printed 12 seed upset bracket. Take a deep breath and read at least one article, even with all the unpredictability March brings it is good to have a slight grasp of which teams are riding highs or which teams can’t play defense (Iowa). If you don’t want to do this, go ahead and move onto the next paragraph, no hurt feelings. Furthermore after reading your one article, pat yourself on the back and choose 4 more solid upsets based on what you read. I plan on doing a top 5 upset blog so feel free to get your picks there. After those upsets, you’ve officially engaged yourself into the bracket. So get invested and finish it out either with your own brain or using the finishing steps below. 

Now from here on out is where I suggest you choose one of the following strategies, straight up gut check pick (just choose one don’t even think about it), mascot pick (my girlfriends personal favorite and how she beat my bracket last year), or favorite color/cooler jersey. These strategies for those that do not watch much college basketball will not only make creating your bracket more entertaining but it should give you a shot at beating others in your friend group, family, or at work. Take home some prize money, mix in some beers, and enjoy the madness that March has to offer.

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